There might be sometimes you do not have the access to F5 device GUI and you would like to activate the license using CLI and then follow the below steps:
Step1: Get the Base Registration keys of the F5 License from the F5 Portal or F5 Account Team
Step2: Execute the below command to get the dossier from the Base Registration Keys:
Step3: Once you get the Dossier then copy it to the notepad or word editor
Step4: Access the F5 Secure License Portal ( from your machine where you have the Dossier
Step5: Enter the Dossier into F5 Secure License Portal to get the license and download it to your machine
Step6: Copy the License into the BIGIP CLI by using this:
vi /config/bigip.license
Then paste the license and save the file (ESC+:wq)
Step7: Reload the License
Now you have the BIG IP device with the license
Best Regards,
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